The Genetic Code


Mapping the human genetic code is the greatest scientific achievement in the history of humanity. For the first time in history human beings are able to observe their body make up, atom-by-atom. In recent years the science of genetics could explain many things never thought possible. It is now providing answers to issue that baffled scientists for a long time. One might look for answers to the fundamental questions of life and death in the cosmos or inside the atom but if there is a one place to really observe the manifestation of intelligent design it would be very close to us or actually within us.

The genetic code is the blue print of our bodies. Our shape, color, brain, health, and even behavioral traits are embedded before birth into our cell’s DNA. Our growth, life and death are determined from the first moment we develop from a single embryonic cell.  It is a chemical text written using readily available ingredients found in clay and it contains instructions to make living cells do all sort of things, like making different proteins in eyes, brain, muscles, etc., and instructions for the cell to divide, multiply and die.

One might ask why I am short and but my friend is tall. Or how come I am not as smart or as strong as my classmate. Or why I am not talented in music, arts or sport as my neighbor. Or even might ask why I am not as attractive as some movie star. Why are some people born blind, deaf and mute? Such questions can go endlessly.

Well, it’s all written in our DNA all from the start. Fair or not fair, we shall discuss this in details later in this book.

One must not rule out the environmental factors (or accidents) that could, and will, affect our future. The question of nature versus nurture has long been debated. You can’t make a basketball star out of a short person nor can make a rocket scientist out of a person who did attend school no matter how high an IQ he/she possesses. One is born with perfect health and brain functions but need to nurture his/her abilities. Nurture adds to human racial diversity by providing different social and cultural backgrounds.

The golden question: Since the Genetic Code is the ultimate answer that science provided about the actual make up of living things, could this code be the one the creator embedded in the scriptures to prove to us that he is the one who created us?